1829 – William Austin Burt patents the typographer, a precursor to the typewriter.
1885 – Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th President of the United States, dies.
1903 – The Ford Motor Company sells its first car.
1926 – Fox Film buys the patents of the Movietone sound system for recording sound onto film.
1940 – The United States under the Export Control Act bans shipment of strategic materials to Japan.
1962 – The Telstar communications satellite sends the first live TV broadcast across the Atlantic.
1967 – A week-long riot in Detroit, Michigan, begins, which becomes one of the most destructive in U.S. history.
1982 – The International Whaling Commission decides to end commercial whaling by 1985-86.
1984 – Vanessa Williams becomes the first Miss America to resign her title after nude photos of her appear in Penthouse magazine.
1992 – A Vatican commission, led by Joseph Ratzinger, establishes that it is acceptable for Catholics to believe in evolution.
Also this day in history, Running Mouth was born. I can not post the year because I do not want to get kneed in the nuts. Please wish my lovely wife a happy birthday.
Disclaimer: Snake does not fact check these items. In fact, he doesn’t even read them before posting. Often he doesn’t read them after posting. If you have a complaint, click here