1214 – The Battle of Bouvines: French forces under Philip II defeat the Holy Roman Emperor Otto IV.
1302 – The Battle of Bapheus: The Ottoman Turks achieve their first significant victory over the Byzantines.
1586 – Sir Walter Raleigh returns to England from the failed Roanoke Colony.
1663 – The English Parliament passes the Second Navigation Act, requiring that goods bound for the American colonies have to be shipped through England.
1778 – The Battle of Ushant: The British and French fleets engage in an indecisive encounter during the American Revolutionary War.
1789 – The United States Department of State is created.
1880 – Second Anglo-Afghan War: The Battle of Maiwand: Afghan forces defeat the British Army.
1890 – Vincent van Gogh shoots himself; he dies two days later.
1921 – Researchers at the University of Toronto led by biochemist Frederick Banting prove that the hormone insulin regulates blood sugar.
1953 – The Korean War ends: The United States, China, and North Korea sign an armistice agreement.
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