

1173: Construction of the Leaning Tower of Pisa began in Pisa, Italy.

1483: The Sistine Chapel was consecrated by Pope Sixtus IV.

1803: The Royal Navy bombarded and destroyed the French fleet at the Battle of Boulogne.

1842: The Webster-Ashburton Treaty was signed, establishing the U.S.-Canada border east of the Rocky Mountains.

1854: Henry David Thoreau published “Walden,” a reflection on simple living in natural surroundings.

1942: Mahatma Gandhi was arrested in Bombay by British forces, marking the beginning of the Quit India Movement.

1945: The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, leading to Japan’s surrender in World War II.

1965: Singapore was expelled from Malaysia and became an independent republic.

1974: U.S. President Richard Nixon resigned from office due to the Watergate scandal, and Vice President Gerald Ford was sworn in as president.

1999: Russian President Boris Yeltsin fired his Prime Minister, Sergei Stepashin, and appointed Vladimir Putin as acting Prime Minister.

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