70: The Romans, under General Titus, breach the walls of Jerusalem during the Siege of Jerusalem, leading to the destruction of the Second Temple.
1350: King Philip VI of France dies, marking the end of his reign and the beginning of his son John II’s rule.
1475: The Treaty of Picquigny is signed between Louis XI of France and Edward IV of England, ending the Hundred Years’ War.
1526: The Ottoman Empire defeats Hungary in the Battle of Mohács, leading to the fall of the Kingdom of Hungary.
1756: Frederick the Great of Prussia invades Saxony, starting the Seven Years’ War.
1786: Shays’ Rebellion begins in Massachusetts as rural farmers protest economic injustices and harsh government policies.
1831: Michael Faraday discovers electromagnetic induction, which becomes the fundamental principle behind transformers and generators.
1949: The Soviet Union tests its first atomic bomb, codenamed “RDS-1” or “First Lightning.”
1958: The United States Air Force Academy opens in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
2005: Hurricane Katrina makes landfall near New Orleans, Louisiana, causing widespread devastation and becoming one of the deadliest natural disasters in U.S. history.