1548 – The city of La Paz, Bolivia, was founded by Spanish conquistadors.
1740 – Maria Theresa became the ruler of Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia, initiating the War of Austrian Succession.
1803 – The United States Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase, expanding the territory of the United States.
1818 – The United Kingdom and the United States agreed on the boundary between the U.S. and Canada along the 49th parallel.
1827 – The Battle of Navarino took place during the Greek War of Independence, with a combined British, French, and Russian fleet defeating the Ottoman and Egyptian navy
1883 – Peru and Chile signed the Treaty of Ancón, ending the War of the Pacific.
1904 – Chile and Bolivia signed a treaty regarding the border between the two countries.
1944 – General Douglas MacArthur returned to the Philippines during World War II, fulfilling his promise, “I shall return.”
1968 – Jacqueline Kennedy married Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis.
1973 – The Sydney Opera House was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II in Australia.