1640 – Portugal regained independence from Spain after 60 years of Iberian Union, marking the start of the Portuguese Restoration War.
1821 – Santo Domingo (now the Dominican Republic) declared independence from Spain.
1824 – The U.S. presidential election was decided in the House of Representatives after no candidate secured a majority of electoral votes, eventually leading to John Quincy Adams becoming president.
1862 – President Abraham Lincoln reaffirmed the necessity of ending slavery in his annual message to Congress during the American Civil War.
1913 – The Ford Motor Company introduced the first moving assembly line, revolutionizing automobile production and manufacturing industries.
1918 – The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (later Yugoslavia) was proclaimed.
1924 – The Air Mail Act authorized the U.S. Post Office to contract with private airlines for mail delivery, fostering the growth of commercial aviation.
1955 – Rosa Parks was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama, for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
1966 – The first Gävle Goat, a large straw Christmas goat, was erected in Gävle, Sweden, beginning an annual tradition.
1990 – British and French workers met in the middle of the Channel Tunnel, linking their two countries by land for the first time.
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