1477 – The Battle of Nancy takes place during the Burgundian Wars, leading to the death of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, and marking the end of Burgundy as an independent power.
1500 – Duke Ludovico Sforza recaptures Milan with the help of Swiss mercenaries during the Italian Wars.
1757 – Robert-François Damiens attempts to assassinate King Louis XV of France but fails. He is later executed for the crime.
1809 – The Treaty of the Dardanelles is signed between the United Kingdom and the Ottoman Empire, ending the Anglo-Turkish War.
1836 – Davy Crockett arrives in Nacogdoches, Texas, and swears allegiance to the Republic of Texas during the Texas Revolution.
1895 – French army officer Alfred Dreyfus is publicly stripped of his rank and honor after being falsely convicted of treason, in what becomes known as the Dreyfus Affair.
1914 – The Ford Motor Company announces an eight-hour workday and a minimum daily wage of $5, doubling the previous pay rate.
1925 – Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming is inaugurated as the first female governor in the United States.
1933 – Construction begins on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.
1944 – The Daily Mail becomes the first transoceanic newspaper when it is published simultaneously in London and New York City.
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