532: The Nika riots broke out in Constantinople, sparked by tensions between supporters of rival chariot racing teams. These riots lasted for several days and resulted in widespread destruction.
888: Odo, Count of Paris, became King of the West Franks following the death of Charles the Fat, marking a shift in Carolingian dynasty power.
1435: Pope Eugenius IV issued the papal bull “Sicut Dudum,” condemning the enslavement of the Guanche people in the Canary Islands.
1547: Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, was executed for treason under the orders of King Henry VIII of England.
1607: The Bank of Genoa failed after Spain declared bankruptcy, contributing to a broader European financial crisis.
1797: French Revolutionary forces captured the city of Ancona, a papal state, during the Napoleonic Wars.
1842: Dr. William Brydon, a British Army assistant surgeon, became famously known as the sole survivor of the retreat from Kabul during the First Anglo-Afghan War.
1898: Émile Zola published “J’Accuse…!” in the French newspaper L’Aurore, an open letter defending Alfred Dreyfus, wrongly accused of treason.
1935: A plebiscite in the Saar region resulted in the region being returned to Germany after being under League of Nations administration since World War I.
1968: Johnny Cash performed his iconic concert at Folsom Prison, which was later released as a highly acclaimed live album.
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