622 – The Islamic calendar begins with the Hijra, the migration of Muhammad and his followers to Medina.
1054 – Michael I Cerularius, Patriarch of Constantinople, is excommunicated by papal legates, contributing to the East-West Schism in Christianity.
1212 – The Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa: Christian forces defeat the Almohads, marking a turning point in the Reconquista of Spain.
1439 – Kissing is banned in England to prevent the spread of the plague.
1661 – The first banknotes in Europe are issued by Stockholms Banco in Sweden.
1769 – Father Junípero Serra founds Mission San Diego de Alcalá, the first mission in California.
1790 – The District of Columbia is established as the capital of the United States after the signing of the Residence Act.
1945 – The first successful test of an atomic bomb, known as the Trinity Test, takes place in New Mexico as part of the Manhattan Project.
1969 – Apollo 11 is launched from Kennedy Space Center, beginning the mission that will land the first humans on the moon.
1994 – Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collides with Jupiter, marking the first observed planetary impact by a comet.
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