

600 – Pope Gregory I decreed that “God bless you” should be the correct response to a sneeze.

1659 – The first known check (cheque) in England was written, a precursor to modern banking transactions.

1742 – Spencer Compton, Earl of Wilmington, became the British Prime Minister after the resignation of Sir Robert Walpole.

1804 – U.S. Navy Lieutenant Stephen Decatur led a daring raid in Tripoli Harbor to destroy the captured USS Philadelphia during the First Barbary War.

1852 – The Studebaker Brothers Wagon Company, a predecessor of the automobile manufacturer, was founded in South Bend, Indiana.

1918 – Lithuania declared independence from Germany and Russia, establishing the independent State of Lithuania.

1923 – British archaeologist Howard Carter unsealed the burial chamber of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, revealing one of the greatest discoveries in Egyptology.

1937 – Wallace H. Carothers received a U.S. patent for nylon, a synthetic polymer that revolutionized textiles and manufacturing.

1959 – Fidel Castro became the premier of Cuba after the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista.

2005 – The Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, came into effect after being ratified by sufficient nations.